No one could ever know
Nothing in this world is permanent. Everything is constant. From the very beginning of my life here on earth I was able to see the rapid change of so many things. This day won’t be the same as the other unless you are following such a routine but yet it still not the same. At the age of 17, I somehow thought what’s the essence of having a life. How are you going to live it to the fullest? How are you going to start when everything’s new to you, just like a newly graduate from college? How to handle such things you’ve just encountered? will you be able to manage it or you’ll lose it? Options? Decisions? Do or not? Yes or No? There are so many things you’ll have to consider before doing such an act.
I can still remember in my Philosophy class when our professor discussed about connections. He said that we are all connected in different aspects and ways. Caged in chains as I recall. Whenever a person makes a decision, he/she might think what will the outcome be, how many lives will be affected in one decision you thought was right? it is an initial reaction for those people who are afraid to commit mistakes but for the others, they don’t usually have second thoughts, risk takers as they called them, they just decide or do it without thinking what will the result be. Lucky for some risk takers they wager for a worthy bet and ironically speaking, some of the careful people fail with what they’ve planned.
Did you ever thought what fate or God is planning to every individual? Did you ever think of what might have been and what should have been if you did the other way around? Sounds confusing, right? Some says it’s magical. Some says it’s eerie. You would never know what will happen next. Might be today is your lucky day but how about the day after it? Will you still be as lucky as what you’ve felt today? Worse or even better?
No one could ever predict the future unless you have the supernatural power to see it. It’s not like Alice in the series movie “Twilight Saga” that once you’ve decided she’ll know what will happen next. Our mind is full of mind boggling things we subconsciously think of. There are lots of things we want to happen, there are lots of stuffs we wanted to do. There are lots of people we want to talk to or want to meet. There are lots of games we wanted to play. But life is just like music, there are popping and cracking tunes that makes us move and have fun. Be cheerful and happy. There are some rock tunes that makes us want for something unusual, a sort of little rebellion and aggressiveness or some adrenaline – a total rush. There are some mellow tunes that make us feel special, feel wonder, romance – love. There are also some sad and sentimental tunes that will make us cry and feel the pain, but there are also some inspiring tunes that will enlighten us after every fall, after we stumble in the dark, after we mourn, the song says it all... that we’ll rise again.
Life is such a mysterious yet enjoyable adventure. No one could ever know what lies beyond our future, what will be the next scenario. What will happen after death? Is there a life after it? Some would attempt but can hardly know the answer, worse, they end up hanging, they end up knowing nothing. Some searched, most of them lost it. Nobody could ever define it. No one... knows.