Saturday, February 5, 2011

question number 10

Gadget: want or need?

 I am not really a techie kind of person but I buy some gadgets too, usually out of need not just out of want. My latest technological gadget I have today is my Neo laptop. I find it convenient to use because I don’t have to go outside and rent a computer especially with my course, computer is now a necessity. I work in it. Files and any stuff that are needed – name it. Life has been easier with a computer in front of you. But somehow, technology has its disadvantage too, Of course, if you have a laptop, one thing you can’t resist is to use the internet and most probably log on to face book.  And I admit I am one of so many people who are like that. I usually spend lots of time browsing whatever on face book then comment here and there, take a look at the picture of this and that, like someone’s post, everything. And honestly, sometimes I spend more time in doing that than to study and I know, I am not the only one who’s like this.
I believe that all the things in this world were created with purpose, a purpose which is only for the good of the mankind alone, but nowadays, since we are free to do whatever we want, we can’t even notice that the things we are about to do may affect lots of people.

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